Wow, What a day.First, let me say,yesterday, I turned 50 years old and by 4pm I felt ever bit of 50.
I spent the day on "The McCain 08 staff" At the largest John McCain campaign event,in the USA. At O'Fallon Missouri, We had 23,000 people.
I was in charge of the VIP entrance. Luckily 37 years attending rock concerts prepared me for the task. I was out in 95 degree heat since 9am. At one point I had a megaphone and was welcoming people.
At 4 pm I went down. The heat got me. First my left calf started cramping and I tried to walk it off. Then my abdomen started cramping and I tried drinking more water. I went over to the shade to sit down, when it hit me. I fell on my side and I heard people yelling for help.
A Secret Service Agent came over and spoke into his cuff and called for EMS. A fire Fighter from Robertson Fire District got me to the cooling area poured water on me and started large fans with cool mist. Within 15 minutes. I was feeling better. I refused transport to the hospital. I drank some more water. I was on my feet again ( you can't keep a good man down ).
So I worked my way to the stage just as the event started. I sat with the VIP's. I was able to talk and shake hands with the candidates and their family's, John and Cindy McCain, Cindy had a hot pink short arm cast on her right wrist.I met two of their daughters,Meghan and Bridget McCain.The other McCain children that weren't there are Doug, Andy, Sidney, Jack (who just graduated from the Naval Academy), Jimmy ( who's a Marine that served a tour of duty in Iraq). I met Sarah Palin and her husband Todd and two of her daughters Willow 14 and Pieper 7 and little Pieper Palin was so cute. I asked her for her autograph. She signed a poster and said don't sell it on EBay. The other Palin children are Track 19 ( who leaves for a tour of duty in Iraq with the US Army Infantry on September 11,2008 ), Bristol and her fiance' Levi Johnson (cool name) and the baby Trig 4 months old ( his name means Truth and Strength). Also I met Mit Romney and Mike and Janet Huckabee. Mike Huckabee and I talked about my heat stroke and how it's hotter in Arkansas. I won't be going to Arkansas any time soon. John McCain wished me a happy birthday and stated I am just a youngster.
I had some friends attend and I got them in VIP. Megan and Bruce Quinlin, I got pictures of them with all the candidates and politicians. I also gave them the poster with every one's autographs, two of John McCain's daughters, 2 of Sarah Palin's daughters, John & Cindy, Sarah & Todd, Mike & Janet, Mit Romney,and Missouri Senator Kit Bond. I also got them hats and buttons and t-shirts. We all had so much fun.
I then went home and had a barbecue with Brenda , and David and his beautiful girlfriend Kari came out to celebrate. I talked to several people on the phone wishing me happy birthday. I checked my e-mails and there were a bunch of well wishers on there.
Well it's "all icing on the cake now". I survived a half century. I am happy joyous and free. I have the best family, I have relationships with my extended family, I have many friends, ( in high and low places), I am involved in my community. I am an elected public official ( Missouri Republican Delegate), I have the greatest wife, and I have good health ( although I push myself too hard some times).
Thank you all for my birthday wishes. Thank you to all my friends that read my blog, Please leave more comments. Keep in touch.........
Peace, Love, and Respect......... .....Tim