Thursday, May 7, 2009

I Love A Parade

Last Saturday, I was in a Parade. I am helping with the campaign for Jack Jackson for State Senate for the 26th district here in Missouri My job was handing out candy and taking Photos. It was so much fun. America is alive and well. People were smiling,waving,and having fun. It was a celebration for the town of Pacific Missouri's 150th anerversity. Things are going well here at home. We can't wait till Chris comes home form college on the 14th, for a week then he is taking some summer classes, and rented an apartment, in Colombia Missouri. I know he likes to mow the lawn, so I have been saving that for him to do. A big shout out to John,who wanted me to update my blog. I have been busy,going here and there. I am enjoying my new car. It has XM radio which is cool. I enjoy all the messages on twitter, they are funny. I have not seen a single case of the 2009 H1N1 Influenza. I think the Health Department over reacted and pulled the trigger to soon.Wait it could get worse though. So, hand washing,covering your mouth when you cough or sneeze. eat well. exersise regulary,get plenty of sleep, are all good ideas always. So, smile , think good thoughts ,reach out to others. Life is good....Peace,Love,and Respect...Tim Harper