Monday, August 25, 2008

Much is expected

I saw and listen to Ted Kennedy speak at the Democratic National Convention in Denver tonight 08/25/08. I grew up admiring and looking up to the Kennedy family's public service, and all they have given over the years to public service. I lived just outside of Dallas the day JFK was assassinated. I was at a Dodger baseball game across from the ambassador hotel the night RFK was assassinated.

The Father was an ambassador to England and the oldest brother died during WWII when his plane was shot down.I met John Kennedy JR in NYC when I was a teenager. The Kennedy Family has seen its share of tragedy, yet they keep giving, living the creed of that old Fitzgerald gal Rose, who said " to those that much is given, much is expected"

This is a primary principle of my gratitude. I am so grateful for so much, that I,believe it is expected of me to live up to the American creed of " paying it forward" or " giving it away in order to keep it". My parents were good people that raised me with certain values. Like if I am on a bus or train that I give up my seat for an elder or needier person. My mother would roll over in her grave if she ever heard of me not living theses principles and values.

I was born in Brooklyn NY. I have never wanted for anything in my life, all has been provided, some times when I didn't deserve it and some times I worked very hard for what I have, or others worked very hard to help me. I have been blessed with good health, so I help the sick. My mother had MS and was sick as I was growing up as a teenager.and she would be appalled if I didn't treat the sick with respect and did all I could to help them. I have 3 sons I am very proud of. I have the family I always dreamed of. I have the most beautiful wife in the world. I have relationships with my extended family.

I see the next generation of young adults in my family, living these principles and values. The most joy I have in life is helping others. I have experienced pain and suffering in my life and people reached out and helped me. To those that much is given much is expected.........

Peace and Love .......Tim H.


John said...

Are you volunteering for McCain?

-John C.

Tim H said...

Yes, I am volunteering for McCain. Sunday 8/31/08 I will see John and Cindy McCain also Mit Romney and Mike Huckabee will be there, at a rally on the road to the Republican National Convention. They will be at The T.R.Hughes Ballpark in O'Fallon Missouri. I have tickets since I am a Republican Delegate for Missouri.