Friday, June 13, 2008


After reading the new book out entitled "Relationships For The Intimately Challenged" about connecting with family, friends and co-workers to create a more joyful life authored by Clint Stonebraker available through Meek publishing at ,I noticed a website at the end of the book for more info. So, I checked out the site and noticed the author was coming to St Louis to conduct a workshop on Relationships for the intimately challenged. Now, having already read the book (and thoroughly enjoying it) I concluded that I was probably intimately challenged (I think part of being challenged is, you don't necessarily recognize it, yourself) So, I thought "what the hell, I think I'll go".
So, after working 12 hours at my job, I arrived at the Hilton Garden Center in Chesterfield Missouri just outside St Louis Mo at 7:30 pm Wednesday June 11,2008. I have known Clint for 10 years having met him when he was approximately 29 years old, now he is 39 years old. The gentleman I met on Wednesday night was an accumulation of 20 years of experience as a Counselor for families in crisis and the growth one obtains with 39 years of life's lessons. I thought to myself this is going to be intense and real. The business Center at the Hilton Gardens was a wonderful place for a workshop being both professional and yet intimate.With people socializing before the start of the workshop Clint was accessible walking around welcoming people. I went to find a seat in the back row( I didn't want to be made an example of as this is what a challenged person looks like) and besides the back row has always been mine. It's a place I can scan the whole room and not miss a thing.It started with Clint being introduced by Michael Weiland CASAC ."Mike" is known as the best interventionist in the country and also a family counselor for many years and the director of the Crossroads Program. The introduction was very intimate ( I will be using the term intimate alot from now on since my definition of intimacy has expanded).
With the introduction complete, Clint thanked Mike and took off his suit jacket and loosened his tie and got to work. Clint was very easy going and engaged with the participants only a few feet away, answering questions and giving all he had. One of the first things he did was disarm me by recognising how his friend had sat in the back row. The workshop lasted just over 3 hours. Afterwards, Clint stayed around answering questions and signing books.
It's funny you read a book. OK, you think, I read the words. I am not the sharpest tool in the shed but, OK I understand what the author is trying to say or the message that's trying to be conveyed. Well, I had never been to a workshop, conducted by the author, of a book I had just read. I am not capable of expressing all I got from this workshop. I am still absorbing and processing all the information I was given at the workshop. Also, I only have an Associates Degree and I had to take bone head English 3 times just to qualify to take English Composition. Evidently I write like I talk.I knew what I was saying but, without proper English grammar and training my message would not necessarily be expressed or could be interpreted differently than what I was trying to say. So, with that in mind, I am not going to give you a detailed word for word what was delivered at the workshop, you will just have to find out where one is going to be next and attend yourself because a big part of the workshop, is the experience of being there in the moment, experiencing it for yourself. What I got out of the workshop, another person might get something totally different, relating to there own unique situation. But what I will do is throw some words out there that are connected to some of the messages I am processing. Scripting, Fear vs Happiness, Connecting with people on an equal plane, Flexibility, Choice, Inspiration and Courage, Passion and Joy, Deeply connected intimate relationships, Define success?
After the workshop, I went up to the author and asked a couple of questions (I didn't want to ask during the workshop because I sit in the back row). I asked " Whats the drawback of not connecting on a deep intimate level with people and his answer was "being alone". So, I asked OK so lets say I have the inspiration and the courage to walk through my fear and make the choice to connect with people on a deep intimate level,what's the worst thing that could happen to me,"the worst case scenario" he answered " you could be hurt".
If you have the opportunity to read the new book Relationships For The Intimately Challenged about connecting with family, friends and co-workers to create a more joyful life, authored by Clint Stonebraker published by Meek Publishing at GET THE BOOK AND READ IT! If you have the opportunity to hear Clint Stonebraker speak BE THERE! It will be worth it. If you have the opportunity to attend one his workshops, it will literally change your life and how you look at things.
It has been 2 days since the workshop and this is the first time I have been able to sit and collect my thoughts. I have made a commitment to reread the book with this new perspective and am now on page one.I will keep you posted on my progress.....Peace,Love and Respect......Ponytail Tim

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