Saturday, June 7, 2008

Along Spiritual Lines

The way I live my life, is by what's called,"Living a 12 Step Spiritual Program". For me, this means growing along spiritual lines, spiritual progress,( not perfection). So right up front let me say I am not a guru or Jesus freak(although I am cool with Jesus), or one of these people that tries to shove religion down your throat. I am a person that got into a situation where the only way out was by following the few other people that had made it out. Nothing else seemed to work except working a 12 step spiritual program, like NA, AA,ACOA, Alanon. I initialy got my teachings from the "Crossroads" program,where I was a member for 6 years and am now an alumni and friend of the program. While in Crossroads I was introduced to the other programs. The bases of my teaching is love, love for myself, love for God, and love for others. I believe every act of kindness gets me closer to paradise. I have seen the face of God in the face of a suffering man that starts to get better and eventually smiles. I don't pretend to understand everything thats going on, on this spiritual journey but I do believe that it's the path I need to be on. I am currently working Step one with my sponsor. I have continually worked the 12 steps for the last 10 years and have now gotten around to step one again. It's so cool because it offers freedom. The Step reads " We admitted that we were powerless over our addiction, that our lives had become unmanageable." Some of the spiritual principles that are gained are honesty, open-mindedness, willingness, acceptance, hope, surrender and freedom, plus many more. I hope this has helped some people to get to know me a little better. Also, I will be attending a workshop next week taught by Clint Stonebraker, the author of the book, I just read, entitled "Relationships for the Intimately challenged" published by Meek publishing. I will try to keep the blog thing going and blog more often.
Peace,Love, and Respect......Ponytail Tim.

1 comment:

Clint Stonebraker said...

I hope you do keep your blog going Tim. I am a firm believer in the fact that if one person reads your words and feels a little bit better as a result then you have served an important purpose. So many people live in so much negativity which makes it important for people like you to share your experience, strength, hope, and love. Looking forward to seeing you!
