After reading Clint's latest blog, I thought, I'd better get blogging. I have a choice. I can choice to look at the cup as being "half empty or half full". I, like some others, have some negative stuff in my life ( if I choice to give it power by dwelling on it.) So, today's choice is to dwell on the good stuff.
Let me start by giving a run down on what I've been up to since I attended the workshop on Wednesday June 11, 2008, that next day Thursday, I worked an extra shift,(through an employment agency that I have work with since 1981) they placed me at a job I've worked at a lot and I enjoy. So,I am grateful my profession affords me the ability, to make an extra few bucks, once in a while.
Later, I had my guitar lesson and it went smooth, I am learning so much and having a lot of fun ( my guitar teacher is cool ).Friday the 13,June 2008, I had a nice day, I saw my chiropractor and than went and met with my sponsor ( both of them straighten me out ).
Saturday the 14 th I had my big debut and played guitar and sang at the Riverfront Musical Cultural Society. It was incredibly awesome. I played two songs. One, I had written. So, I told the story and history behind the song. I had Chris (The Crusher) on lead guitar, Joey (Bells) on the bass, and Joey (JC) on the djembe and Yes yours truly on rhythm guitar (My Hummingbird ). The second song was " The Wreck Of The Edmund Fitzgerald" by Gordon Lightfoot (1971).It was a truly exhilarating experience. Sunday was Fathers day, I got up and went to church with Christopher in the morning. I had a good day and saw Eric, and David called. I have the best kids.
This last week I worked Monday,Wednesday and Friday and have been trying to use the stuff I've learned in the workshop and connect a little better with my co-workers and even though it was busy the days seemed to go smoother.
Tuesday I had off work, and me and my lovely bride Brenda went to the Missouri Botanical Gardens and spent the day there and I took over 100 photos,than afterwards we went out to a Italian restraunt called " La Gra" ,in Dogtown , which means Love in Gaelic. We had such a nice day, and I am looking forward to the next time we go out. Thursday I had another guitar lesson and was taught "Walk The Line " by Johnny Cash.
Friday there was a convention downtown at the Millennium Hotel and I arrived just in time to hear a wonderful speaker with a good message.
Saturday, I went to a real life Country Party, for a good friend that just graduated with a baccalaureate degree in chemistry and is going to Ohio State University for Graduate studies. His name is Sean Whittemore, and he worked with Clint for awhile before college. His totally "Redneck" ( I mean that in an endearing way) Dad through the party. They roasted a pig, had some of the best food ever ( if you've ever been to a country event than you know what I am talking about), there was like 100 people there from all walks of life( country life ), They shot skeet with shotguns and fished and road 4 wheelers and shot off fireworks ( and Yes, the box did turn over and all hell broke loose), than they had a bon fire that you could easily see from outer space, and than we broke out the guitars and djembe drums and started jamming ,it was so cool. I really enjoyed my self, (did I mention the food was really good).
So today,I got up early 0830 am and went to church at 1000 am, it was nice, the message was something about having the courage to believe in God during the tough times. Than this afternoon some friends had a grand opening for a new Montessori school they are opening. I saw some old friends and saw some younger people's dreams coming true. Than this evening me and Chris weed-eated the yard, and than I went and took a Jacuzzi.
I just got off the phone with a sponcee I have in prison and I also talked with my sponsor. I was going to tell you about all my problems and I have seemed to have misplaced them so, I'll have to get back to ya on that.
Trying to connect......Peace, Love, and Respect....Tim