Tuesday, January 11, 2011

The incident in AZ

I have been asked about my opinion on the AZ shooting. I feel sick to my stomach at the pain and loss of life. I have taken care of many shooting victims in my career as an Emergency Department Nurse, and know the suffering that takes place. Not only to the victim themselves ,but everyone else involved,like family members that suffer because their loved one has been hurt, then extended family suffers, the people caring for them in the hospital, their families, the citizens in Tuscan, Pima County, the whole state of AZ the people in America and friends throughout the world. The trauma extends pretty far. So, I feel sick to think of all this pain and suffering and Pray for the victims and everyone.Next people ask about the impact of radio talk shows. I try to be very responsible on the air, knowing I am responsible for my words,and that I have the ability to hurt someones feelings by saying something insensitive. I realize I am a professional person,and have a standard to ad hear to. Having said that if I do say something stupid please call the general manager of the radio station and complain, give me a chance to retract anything I say and please give me the chance to apologize. I am a Gentleman, grandfather , father ,husband,brother,uncle,cousin....etc I am human. I also get a chance to co-host a 3 hour radio show weekly,Called "The Local Show" 9am-12noon every Saturday on 1350am KWMO. We talk about local issues and local events and activities. Some times we get passionate ( which makes for good radio). But let me be clear, I do not support shooting people with guns. I don't like violence of any kind. I am not a big supporter of guns period. I am an American and enjoy free speech. I am Republican, Conservative, and tend to lean a little right. I am also a supporter of the Mental health system. I have worked part time in a mental health care facility.( 99% of people with Mental health issues are harmless) I believe there is wonderful care available. So, if you or a family member or friend are having issues,Please seek help. Thanks...Peace & Love Tim

Saturday, January 8, 2011


Yes, I am going to sign up for Intermediate Algebra. I was thinking it stressed me out so much last semester, taking Elementary Algebra,that I might not do it again. Then it occurred to me that I could not pass up this opportunity. I think back to when I didn't have the opportunity to go to the University,and I am so grateful now to be able to attend an institution of higher learning. It's not about pass or fail. It's about a dream fulfilled. Just getting to this level is more than I could ask for. Yes, it will be stressful again. Yes, I will work hard. Yes, I will struggle to meet the grade. But, I will be there. I will suit up and show up,as they say. I will enjoy the experience. I will be proud to realize the dream of my forefathers. I hope to set an example to future generations. One last note, it is so cool, to sling that book bag over your shoulder, and strut your stuff.